About Us

Plana's Pantry is owned and operated by husband and wife team Jolly and Rachel Plana. It is all about a family inspired, simple, honest, generous, delightful food, and good relationships.
It all started in their home, in the pantry, where the family's passion for delicious food took shape. As a young married couple, they found themselves blessed to be able to have weekly dinners with both sides of their family. ( As both husband and wife family sides are large for a weekly gathering, they found it convenient to do dinners each side on different days.)
Rachel's side of the family whom they would call the "Wednesday group" would come over to their home weekly to enjoy moments of good company and good food. They always took pleasure in planning and preparing what to serve their guests and were readily encouraged and heartened with their raves and praises for the food they serve.
Gatherings for Jolly's side was called the "Saturday group". Just like the the "Wednesday group, they got together weekly but had a different format. They were brought together by their desire to spend time with their Grandfather who is into his mid 90's and whom they fondly call Daddy Doctor. Every Saturday, the Plana's meet up to visit "Super Lolo" Daddy Doctor, and at the same time get the "super" grand kids together for a play date. Each family of 3 generations were asked to bring a dish according to a 'theme' they would agree on each week. Preparation and planning for the dish was where most of the fun was and everybody looked forward to Saturday. The Plana's are all foodies, each one can cook well....really well, and that is almost a trademark. If some families can sing and dance, the Plana's can cook and you can be sure they will always bring what would please themselves.
Little did Jolly and Rachel know that these gatherings would soon be taking them to a bigger venue. Hence, the creation of Plana's Pantry. It has always been their joy to share good food and wholesome experience and they hope that through Plana's Pantry they would be able to share to a larger group what they like to cook and eat themselves, and serve their customers with an honest, simple, generous, and delightful food that satisfies.